tirsdag 26. april 2011

Bamboo Forest Trail

Today it was pretty light wind, so I, my roomie Veronika and her boyfriend Brian decided to take the Bamboo Forest Hike. The Hike wasn't very long or challenging, I actually regret not taking all my previous visitors here, cause it was beautiful! We hiked throught the tall bamboo forest into three beautiful waterfalls where we cliff jumped, svam and chilled out. At the second pool, we met a friend of Veronika. She took us to a "secret spot". To get there we had to hike up an empty river bed, leave all our things at a little cliff, jump into a canal and swim through one pond, climb up a small waterfall and we were in heaven. It was so beautiful. Didn't get any pictures from this place as I had to leave my camera, but take my word, it was georgeous. Such tranquility. We bathed and dried off on warm lava rocks and napping to the steady drizzle of the waterfall.
Brian in the Bamboo forest

onsdag 20. april 2011

Maui life

Then I was back on Maui again. All by myselfe this time.. pretty weird! The wind has so far been awsome, the weather is beautiful and the temprature is touching the big 3 0. Since I came back I have pretty much been a kitesurfing geek.. all I have done is kitesurf from morning until night.. I have eaten the same pasta dish three days in a row, the other day I only ate cereal, too tired to cook. My body hurts all over, I have bruises and scratches everywehere.. but I've had some amazing kitesurfing, I am finally starting to nail some of the tricks I've been working on lately and the wavekiting has improved alot. And I still got 2 and a half more week!! Nice:) 

And for all kitegeeks out there.. I know what gear you all are going to ride next year! So far the whole Naish Pro Team has been here doing photoshoots of next years kites, one North rider occupied the whole beach today laying out seven of the new North Rebel kites, testing them all, and 4-5 guys from the Wainman team are here testing out prototypes of new kites and boards..

Since I'm here alone, feel abit like "Viggo Venneløs" (altough I wavekitet with on of the Best Pro Riders today), I don't have anyone to take photos of me.. maybe I'll try taking some peek photos of the pro's riding one day.. but for now, all you get is boring text. Sorry about that! Someone should come visit!!

torsdag 14. april 2011

Nye Bilder

Bilder fra Mamma og Pappa var på besøk på Maui i Mars!
Pictures from my mom and dad's visit on Maui in March

torsdag 7. april 2011

Going "Home"..

In more than one way I am soon going home.. (sorry mom, I don't mean moving back to Kristiansand yet..) But in a little more than a week I am going home to Maui for a very short break, really looking forward to that and May 11th I am actually going "home" to Challenger again!! My very first Seismic boat. It is something special with the first boat and even though I have been way longer on the Shi@en, I still feel like I am going home to Challenger:) I am very excited, even though it is another crew and the north sea and not as exotic as Japan, it is still my very first boat I think it will always be a little bit special for me.
Pic borrowed and a littlebit fixed on from google images.

søndag 3. april 2011

Cherryblossom i Fukuoka!

Søndag arrangerte vi busstur til Fukuoka med hele crewet. Første stopp var Uminoakamichi Seaside Park. Her var vi på Akvarium, i en gigantisk blomster park hvor vi leide sykler og så på cherry blossom og tamme fisker og koste oss maks.
Sykkeltur i Uminoakamichi Seaside Park


Elefanter av busker
Kul Park
Etterpå dro vi til Canal City som er et gigantisk shopping senter i sentrum av Fukuoka, fikk oss litt KFC, kikket i butikker og gikk en tur langs kanalen, opp gjennom arkaden og ikke minst en tur gjennom Fukuoka's "sexdistrict". Ganske sykt egentlig. Klubb på klubb på klubb med bare stripperklubber og dodgy steder. 
Canal City shopping
Tur langs ene canalen i Fukuoka
Arcade i Fukuoka (shoppinggate)
Fukuoka turen ble avsluttet med et obligatorisk stopp på Hard Rock Cafe med Nachos og Quesedilla:)

Ramen og lokal bar i Sasebo

Denne uka har vi vært ute og spist Ramen! (Veldig populær japansk rett, blanding av suppe og nudler), i tillegg tok vi fredagskvelden på "standing bar" som vi kaller den.. en veldig lokal og billig bar her i Sasebo. De hadde noe så fantastisk som Hot Sake masking, putt på 200yen og ut kommer et glass med varm sake! Fantastisk oppfinnelse spør du meg.. I tillegg fikk vi et par nye kamerater..

Hot Sake Maskin