Flying over the fjord into Narsaque |
..turned out to be a bit more complicated than planned.. Arriving at Narsarsaque with a Boeing 737 in itself was an experience I will remember. Flying slalaam in a fjord, sigsacking in low altitude around a mountain to get inline with the airport was pretty interesting..
Felt like we where pretty close to the mountain!! |
When we arrived in Narsarsaque, the helicopter plan had been cancelled due to heavy ice in Julianhaab. New plan was flying with chartered small dash 7 planes to Paamiut, a small village a bit further north. When we arrived here, the airport was ofcourse fogged in, so after an hour or so of circling we had to head to Nuuk instead. Here we got to experience some Greenlandish nightlife at the locak Eskimo/Inuit bar, it was something special, that's for sure!
Bar Eskimo style in Nuuk |
Flying over south east Greenland |
Next day we tried again, heading for Paamiut, and after a few hours delay, the fog lifted just enough for the plane to land. Not the biggest or most fancy airport I have been to exactly :)
Fog is just clearing on Paamiut airport |
Finally arrived |
The luggage band was a truck |
I had some time in Paamiut waiting for the rest of the crew, so I had a walk around and took some pictures. Truely beautiful place, but so isolated! Later that day we all boarded the Ocean Explorer, for a 12hrs transit to the rendevous with Challenger and just about 50 happy offsigners.
Peaceful in Paamiut |
Local children playing by the harbour |
Turen til Grønland viste seg å bli litt mer komplisert enn planlagt.. Innflygningen til Narsarsaque var en historie i seg selv ettersom vi fløy i sikk sakk inni en fjord mellom fjell i en Boeing 737 (med plass til 200mennesker) for å lande på ei bitte lita øde flystripe.
Etter planen skulle vi egentlig ha helikopter til Ocean Explorer i Julianhåb, men denne planen ble kansellert da hele Julianehåb fortsatt er innkapslet i is. Istedenfor fløy vi småfly til Paamiut, litt lenger nord, (fantastisk utsikt på veien..), men her var hele flyplassen innhyllet i tåke. Turen gikk da videre til Nuuk (Godt Håb) hvor vi ble innlosjert på byens eneste hotell og fikk prøvd oss på litt Inuit/Eskimo uteliv :).
Dagen etter var det akkurat glipe nok i tåka til at vi kunne lande i Paamiut og borde Ocean Explorer som tok oss 12timer sørover der Challenger kom oss i møte. Fikk tatt noen bilder fra Paamiut mens vi var der også.