Birthday on Maui was actually pretty great! I woke up early to a bright sunny day, got in the car with my roomate Andrew, drove halfway to Lahaina for surfing! I actually manage to catch some good waves :) We did a cheeskake lunch at Barnes&Nobles (they have my favorite cake in the world there.. white chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake), then I went kitesurfing and had a great session on my 5m.. On the way home I stopped by MauiMac shop and bought myself a birthday present.. MacBook Air 13".. When I came home Andrew had bought me tropical flowers and we had dinner at my favourit restaurant Milagros :) Great day! I just wish I could have spent it with all of you guys too!
torsdag 25. august 2011
tirsdag 23. august 2011
Beautiful Greenland
5 weeks and two days onboard the Challenger, way too much happenings the extra two days we got onboard, and we finally manage to get over to our crewboat Ocean and head to port. Going straight from nightshift I had great plans of sleeping all the way in to Narsarsuaq.. Luckily I took a quick look outside around noon, and what a sight I saw! Clear blue sky, the sun blazing almost warm, and hundreds and hundreds of icebergs, growlers and cubes all around us. It was just stunning! I took way too many good pictures to only show them here, so a Picasa album is in order. Enjoy Beautiful Greenland
mandag 15. august 2011
Latest news..
It's been a while since last time a wrote anything here.. Main reason: I'm offshore and there's just not that much happening.. Everyday is the same.. Altough this trip a lot actually has happen! I've just been to lazy to write.. So in short:
- Going back to Maui tomorrow!! Can't wait!!
- Given up the house on Maui, and probably found a nice place on the beach..
- Sold my appartment in Oslo! (for a good price)
- Appplied for Brazilian visa as Challenger is going to Brasil in October :)
fredag 5. august 2011
A seismic day in my life..
23:15 My alarm goes off and I stagger out of bed
23:30 Daily ritual of breakfast in the galley with Matt and Andre.. 3 zoombies eating same cereal at the same places on around the table, stearing down into our bowls every day. The conversation seldom exceeds a mumbeling "morning.."
05:30 Breakfast or more like lunch for us.. normally concist of oatmeal porridge, panncakes or dry toast with egg..
06:00 Back to screens, processing or maybe some outdoor jobs. Drilling wholes, modifying some racks, fixing pingers, cold trip in the workboat in full survival suit etc..
09:00 The next to best time of the day!! Cake time!! The galley girls arrive with fresh baked buns, brownies, croissants or something.
11:00 Happy hour. Only 1hr left of the shift! Normally we would play happy fun music at this time, but at present time it is music war in the instrument room so who evers got the control plays what he/she wish.
12:00 Best time of the day. Shift is over, dinner is served and we can do whatever we like.
13:00 I like the gym so now I normally hit the bicycle, running machine or monster shop (weights gym).
14.30 Time to shower and go to bed. My seismic day is officially over.
Some days are a little bit different though.. Thursday night is Norwegian night with "komper", "pinnekjøtt" og "ribbe".. friday noon or sometimes thursday is curryday, Saturday is pizza and chocolate day and Sunday is fishday with lobster, baked salmon and other goodies :) Generally really great food onboard!!
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