søndag 9. desember 2012

December with Nani

Took some lovely picture of my little star Nani yesterday, beautiful sunshine, powder snow and great views from Årosveden.

Halloween 2012

Just went through my pictures and figured out I have to post some of these.. Awesome Halloween costumes by Emily and myself 

torsdag 27. september 2012

Memories from Maui!!

Aamazing kitesurfing video from Wainman Hawaii and all the cool guys and girls on the team. All from my favourit place in the world.. MAUI!! I used to sit on the beach looking at (or kiting alongside) these crazy guys every day! (Get the amazing Wainman Hawaii kites at sideshore.no )

Going Kitesurfing this weekend anyone? :)

Great winds and even some waves in the forecast for this weekend! I can try out my new water helmet. from sideshore.no :) Play safe! Already tried getting my surfboard in my head, not fun! Rather look "stupid" than be dead.. Not that anyone look stupid with this cool helmet! And only one week until Stavanger and Norwegian wave-kite championship.. Fluid Wave Challenge 2012 I have not practiced enough and getting seriously nervous. But my only goal is to have fun.. :) 

fredag 21. september 2012

Slow blogger..

Not really the best blogger these days.. mainly because I don't really do that much exciting stuff anymore. But maybe I will be better. :) Lately I have been kitesurfing, working, hanging out with friends and taking care of Nani. She is growing like crazy! 9.7kg yesterday! I have put together a little photoalbum of Nani from 2 weeks old to 13 weeks for those who want to look at lovely puppy!
Nani growing..

lørdag 4. august 2012

Another amazing Sideshore Kitecamp!

I just came home from another awesome kitesurfing camp with Sideshore at Prassonisi on the Greek Island of Rhodes!

The wind was a bit up and down, but we got some good sessions in every day. We also met so many amazing people and had a few great parties and afterkite sessions at the Mojito bar and hotel bar. And I think we must have set a new record of girls attending the camp! If I counted correctly, we were 15 (!!) girls! Fun to see that more and more girls are getting into the sport :)

I was really worried getting back on the water again after my shoulder injury, but it turned out it was the ankle that would give me the most grief. Anyway, getting the confindence back atleast and just staying away from unhooked fun for a while, but Karianne is back! I also had a few awesome sessions with borrowed surf board. I sooo miss Maui waves! Anyway, here are some pictures :)

Visiting Nani!

On the way to Gardemoen Airport and a week of kitesurfing we dropped by Lene, Nora and the 6 cute amazing little puppies.. And we decided which of these lovely little teddy bears are moving home with me to Søgne next week! 

Nani til venstre, Eir og en av guttene med meg og moren Nora
Tuva prøver å vekke Nani som koser seg med en liten nap.
Nani sover :)
My little teddybear Nani

To utslitte valper
Nani smaker litt på vannskåla
Emily med Nani og en av guttene

onsdag 4. juli 2012

Weddings and BAAACK on the water!!

To say that June has been weddings is not exaggerating. Two bachelorette parties and two weddings have occupied every weekend in Juni! My old friend Christina and Fredik kicked it all off two weeks ago in a beautiful cermony and fantastic party in Oslo. This last weekend my friends Helena and Mads tied the knots in beautiful Hellesylt followed by an amazing party at the old traditional Union Øye hotel. Fjords, mountains and unfortunatley rain, anyway, a lovely weekend! Took just a few pictures, but here you go!

Union Øye hotel

While everyone else were still in bed, me and Ben went hiking in the beautiful mountains!
Liv and Håkon's suite at Union Øye
My lovely room
Me and Liv all ready for party :)
When I landed in Kristiansand, first thing I saw was atleast 10 kitesurfers at Hamresanden, close by the airport. After moaning and beating my head in the  windshield in frustration I continued and tought.. sooon. Coming home, I sit down on my coach, look out of the window, and what do I see??? Two kiters on the sea just outside my house!! Enough is enough.. a desperate kiter can only handle so much waiting. I decided my shoulder was good enough for a try on the water.. And how AWESOME!!!!! it was to get back on the water!! I am extatic! Can't wait for the wind to come back so I can get out there again! :)
My kitesurfing mekka! (5min from my house)
This is how happy I was kitesurfing again!! After 4 months off!

søndag 3. juni 2012

The good life..

Last weekend was awesome! In fact, it was Super Awesome! Long weekend, sunny from beginning to end, 20-25degrees, all packed with fun and great people in the best place possible! This is exactly why I love this place.. Ocean, boatlife, beach, swimming, party and just getting my tan back!!
Cold beer in the sun
Beautiful day and beautiful girls :)
Feriepils i sola med Morten
Emily, Me and Christina at Terje's amazing boat
At Rannveig's cabin at Flekkerøya
Smoothe sea
My friend Katarina enjoying the beautiful evening

onsdag 9. mai 2012

This and that

Just added some new photo albums from the last 6 months! Enjoy!

lørdag 5. mai 2012

Spin around... Søgne?

It's been a long time since I've written anything here now, mainly because I guess no-one is that interested in hearing about my regular life anymore :) No more "On my way to Greenland", "Rio next", "On a boat in Africa". Now I am more like "Look at my lovely house", "My cat being really cute" etc.. hehe. But since it is my blog I will keep updating every now and then anyway! I know there are some sailors around the world wondering what a normal life is too!

So what have I been up to lately.. working.. My new job is actually pretty good! I am working on drilling control systems, for those who have no idea what that involves.. in easy words, when the operator press a button, one of the machines move.  Other than that I'm working out a lot, running all over Søgne and also do loads of fysio and training to get my shoulder back on track! And of course I hang out with friends, go out, do some gardening and fixing stuff in my house and hopefully soon start building a garage! Damn I am grown up!!

Best thing of all.. the summer is coming soon! 
Katarina in the lovely sunny weather at Fiskebrygga
Fresh shrimps at Fiskebrygga!
Lava enjoying the spring
Little Lava
Summer in Søgne
Just another pic of my beautiful house.. hehe
WRC kjører Mads Østberg i første sving SS3 
Tilskuere i lyngheia:)

søndag 25. mars 2012

A Perfect Sunday!

What can I say, it's been sunny, it's been hot (I have actually worn shorts and t-shirt all day.. in MARCH in NORWAY!!), I have spent the day with great people, I've been hiking, I've been bbq'ing (or atleast eaten Mads and Helena's lovely bbq food :) And finishing the night off on the coach with my lovely cat. And most of all, I am NOT offshore :) Sorry guys and girls on CHA. I really was thinking about you guys today.. 
Tanning and relaxing on my patio
Out walking on the beach
Katarina and Magnus on the way down from "Den Omvendte båd"
The years first BBQ at Mads and Helena's place.
Lava chilling on my livingroom table.
Tired Lava..
Life is not too bad in Norway. It is weird not being offshore, but it is kind off nice. First week at my new job was good and interesting, jumping straight into a big drilling project.. guess I need to learn something about drilling! Still half handicapped after dislocating my shoulder snowkiting 2 weeks ago and no kiting for 3months!!SUCKS! Guess I have to find another hobby for a while... any ideas?