I've had the power trip of the century to Norway the last 5 days. I don't think anyone can beat this:
- Landed in Oslo Wednesday 10:00
- Met Irene and beautiful little Andreas for lunch at Torshov
- Had contract meeting regarding my apartment, finalised the sale!!
- Me and Catty visited Christina, Fredrik and Sebastian in Lillestrøm.
- Full day with offshore survival course Thursday.
- Dinner with Hanne and Camilla Thursday night,
- Full day offshore survival Friday.
- Moved all my furniture from my apartment at Sinsen with the help of my amazing mom and my fantastic auntie Randi and uncle Knut.
- Drove to Kristiansand with all the furniture.
- Unpacked furniture into my old home :)
- Looked at this amazing house
- Baking and homemade pizza with my good friend Liv
- Ribbe family dinner in Holum
- Walk around Odderøya in pouring rain with Katarina and had really nice dinner at Fiskebrygga
More pictures at Udjusveien 12c
Gratulerer med hus. Kan jeg få låne det fra 1.juni til ca 30. august? Jeg lover å klippe plenen.
SvarSlettHåper overfarten var bra. Ja kjenner ingen som får gjort så mye på så kort tid. Du er utrolig til¨å lande på rett fot, samme hva du planlegger. Og, skal bli fint å få ryddet huset rundt jul, vi får be om null snø!!!
Ha en fin tur i vinterlandet. Inger(mom)