torsdag 7. april 2011

Going "Home"..

In more than one way I am soon going home.. (sorry mom, I don't mean moving back to Kristiansand yet..) But in a little more than a week I am going home to Maui for a very short break, really looking forward to that and May 11th I am actually going "home" to Challenger again!! My very first Seismic boat. It is something special with the first boat and even though I have been way longer on the Shi@en, I still feel like I am going home to Challenger:) I am very excited, even though it is another crew and the north sea and not as exotic as Japan, it is still my very first boat I think it will always be a little bit special for me.
Pic borrowed and a littlebit fixed on from google images.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hei Karianne.
    Det er ikke så verst hjemme. Våren er kommet og snart skal vi opp og kave i råtten snø!!!! men påske er påske. Håper det blir greit å komme "hjem" til Maui igjen.
    Er glad du får besøk hjemmefra. Vi koser oss i alle fall her i lavlandet med bare veier(noen fulle av grus enda)Kan ikke forlange alt heller.
    God tur "hjem" Oss 3 i Breimyråsen
